WEISS Doppelbodensysteme GmbH
Im Winkel 4
74589 Satteldorf
Legal form: GmbH
Registered office: 74589 Satteldorf
Register court: Amtsgericht Ulm
Register number: HRB 702157
Value added tax ID: DE 814 130137
Managing directors: Viktor Grünwald, Bernt Gottschling
Telephone: +49 7951 31792-00
Internet: www.wdbs.de/en
E-Mail: info@weiss-dbs.de
Responsible for the content: Viktor Grünwald, Bernt Gottschling
Dispute resolution
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
We use images from:
Thinkstock, Adobe Stock, webORBIS webDESIGN GmbH and WEISS Doppelbodensysteme GmbH
Are you interested in a new website? We create professional full-service internet solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. Get in touch with us:
Information about our locations: Webdesign Satteldorf
Internet: weborbis-webdesign.de
E-Mail: info@weborbis-webdesign.de